There’s story and then there’s Super Story. If you just want a story, go to McKee. If you want your story to survive in an age of distraction and become bigger than you’ve ever imagined, you need a Super Story.
As the Chief Storyteller and Co-Founder of One 3 Creative, Houston has been a recognized thought leader in the entertainment and branding communities because of his unique and proprietary transmedia approach to story. Advising entities such as Mattel, Disney Imagineering, Reliance Media Works, West Coast Customs, Samuel Goldwyn Films and Harper Collins Publishing, as well as designing a number of transmedia-focused projects for Fox, the CW, TNT, Slinky and the writers of Toy Story, Houston has an impressive amount of of experience designing projects that are primed for the 21st Century.
When he’s not outlining a new slate of transmedia design books, setting up international co-productions for current transmedia projects or leading a wildly diverse creative team, Houston is educating professionals on how to adapt to an ever-changing entertainment landscape. This has included leading workshops for the Producers Guild of America, the National Association of Broadcasters, Act One, Storyworld USA, The Greater Los Angeles Writers Conference and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce.
His latest book – You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Story – has been a go-to manual for creative professionals on how to leverage a variety of media platforms, maximizes revenue potential and engages audiences in new and innovative ways.
Friday Evening, April 23
Session 1: 6:30-8:30pm PT
Saturday Morning, April 24
Session 2: 9:30am-12:30pm PT
Lunch Break
Saturday Afternoon, April 24
Session 3: 2:00-4pm PT